Our pricing is designed to be inclusive and straightforward. There are no hidden fees or surprises. We understand that your wedding photos are how you’ll share this precious event with your friends, family members, and future generations, and we take that responsibility extremely seriously. Once you book with us, we are available for you before and after the event by phone and email. That means we answer questions, offer solutions, and more. Our main goal is to have happy clients and we work our very best to make your day one of the happiest, most stress free you can imagine.*
Contact for a custom quote.
Wondering How Much Photography Time You'll Need?
Let's chat!
Our pricing is designed to be inclusive and straightforward. There are no hidden fees or surprises.
We understand that your wedding photos are how you’ll share this precious event with your friends, family members, and future generations, and we take that responsibility extremely seriously.
Once you book with us, we are available for you before and after the event by phone and email. That means we answer questions, offer solutions, and more. Our main goal is to have happy clients and we work our very best to make your day one of the happiest, most stress free you can imagine.
Contact for a custom quote.
Wondering How Much Photography Time You'll Need?
Let's chat!
*all packages are subject to Minnesota State and local taxes.
Click HERE.
take 15% off if you contact us by February 28, 2025!
take 15% off if you contact us by February 28, 2025!
take 15% off if you contact us by February 28, 2025!
36 film photos in color
36 film photos in black and white
36 film photos in color
36 film photos in black and white
"Photos were something that was most important to us and I cannot emphasize how impressive, professional, communicative, FUN, and kind RKH images is.
Our engagement and wedding pictures turned out better than I could have dreamed and having them at our wedding felt like they were part of our family and friend group. I have gotten so many compliments on our photos.
RKH Images-thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"
Annalyse and Brent
"Photos were something that was most important to us and I cannot emphasize how impressive, professional, communicative, FUN, and kind RKH images is.
Our engagement and wedding pictures turned out better than I could have dreamed and having them at our wedding felt like they were part of our family and friend group. I have gotten so many compliments on our photos.
RKH Images-thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"
Annalyse and Brent
Interested in taking the reins yourself and scheduling a meeting?
We'd love to speak with you!
Use the calendar to the right to schedule a phone call or face to face meeting.
All meetings are 100% obligation free! We love getting to know potential clients and are sure you'd like to do the same.
Face to face meeting locations are determined after scheduling so we can meet halfway between each other.
Make sure to hit SUBMIT.