Maple Grove Newborn Session
This Maple Grove newborn photography session was pretty fun. We have known the baby’s mom, Andrea, for years. She worked with us at KQRS. I had done numerous promotional events with her and Kyle does photography for them. So we were super excited when she told us she was having a baby. Then it was awesome when she asked if we could do photos.
Per our usual, we shot the newborn photos at their home. This is always the case with us be cause it is where the baby and the mom are most comfortable. The last thing you need is a baby to start crying and you don’t have something with to calm them down. Also, after giving birth, it’s always most comfortable to be at home where you have everything you need. Plus, we adore the idea of looking at these photos years from now and seeing the nursery and all the ways the house used to look with the baby. Shooting them at home provides a unique aspect you’re not going to get any other way. Plus, you have full control over the environment. There’s no paying studio fees or rushing in case the baby gets upset. It’s great.