We value carefree couples, creating memories, and enjoying the moment

At Home Newborn Photography – Mia and Carlos – Minnesota Wedding Photographer

At home newborn photography is the BEST.

Why, you ask?  For anyone who has had children, they will understand why I try to promote at home sessions for babies and children.  Babies and children are most comfortable at home.  Also, all their stuff is there!  Seriously, how is that not a plus?  We try to let people know that when people book with us. If children get upset during a session, how great is it to have something they love to calm them down close by?  Then, there’s my personal favorite.  Their home is unique to you and your family.  I can’t even tell you how many times I look at photos of myself as a kid and get a nostalgic feeling if the photos were in my childhood home or other places that were essentially a part of growing up.  That’s why at home newborn photography rules.

Mia and Carlos have become a part of our lives whether they like it or not. 🙂 We shot their wedding, their maternity session, and now get to take photos of this adorable little guy. This session was really fun, especially since we had done their wedding and gotten to know them over the past couple years.  His little outfit!  How cute is that?

This session was wonderful and we hope to work with Mia and Carlos, and their little cutie, again.

Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home with big letter E. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. Biracial couple hold baby wearing knit cap sleeps on a bed in Burnsville, Minnesota at home. At home newborn photography

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