We value carefree couples, creating memories, and enjoying the moment

At Home Newborn Session: Emily and Corbin | Saint Paul Newborn Photography

At Home Newborn Session

We always love an at home newborn session.  This is how we do newborn sessions.  We prefer them over say, a studio session or anywhere outside of the home. It’s because a baby is most comfortable where they live.  Plus, parents are going to have everything they need at their home.  They aren’t possibly leaving something behind and frantic when they baby starts to cry.  It’s easy.  Babies always tend to lose it a bit during a session because  they are new and do not want to be taking photos.  That’s the bottom line.  The great thing about an at home newborn session is that they can easily get fed or a get a toy.  Or they can just rest a little in a familiar environment.

Onto the session itself.  Yes, it’s Emily and Corbin again!  One of our favorite couples ever!  They had their adorable little daughter and they wanted newborn photos.  So we went to their house and shot all this cuteness.

Emily and Corbin are super into books.  One of the reasons why we get along so well.  So we did all these super cute photos of them reading to her.  It was so sweet to me personally because my mom loves to read and she would read to us as babies.  So taking these photos of them reading was just awesome.  They have a little nook in their house that is basically a book nook.  It has bookshelves and a little chair and they can just sit there and read in the quiet. LOVE IT.

After we did the photos, we all sat around like nerds talking books, games, movies, and TV.  That’s seriously all we do when we are around them.  It’s so fun.

Mom laughs with newborn baby at her home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Mom laughs with newborn baby at her home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man snuggles with newborn baby at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman laugh on couch with newborn baby at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man reads to his newborn baby at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman read to their newborn baby on the couch at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman read to their newborn baby on the couch at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman read to their newborn baby on the couch at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman read to their newborn baby on the couch at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Black man and woman read to their newborn baby on the couch at home in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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