Summertime engagement photography is a crazy thing. It can pour down rain one minute, be hot and humid another, and then be just PERFECT. This was one of those hot and humid days. It was sweaty hot, but a lot of fun. Summertime engagement photography can also be a very beautiful thing. In that respect, it’s worth the sweating.
Sarah and Tyler booked their wedding with us during the stay at home order. So we had only met them over a Zoom chat. It was great getting to meet with them finally and they were both so much fun. Their wedding is going to be in Fond du Lac, so we decided to do the engagement session in Eau Claire, a nice meeting ground for all of us. The last time we had shot at Phoenix Park was during an unusually warm February wedding, so we were familiar with the park. However, we had never seen how beautiful it could be in the summer.
There was another super cool aspect to this shoot – super cool in our geeky photographer way. We’ve always wanted to do photography in a parking ramp, but have never had clients be too into it. We asked if we could tack it onto the end of the session. Sarah and Tyler were all for it, so we got to do it. I’m sure you’re wondering what the deal is with it, but I’ve always wanted to do parking ramp photos, plus it was a wonderful way to cool off.
We can’t wait to shoot their wedding next year. Fond du Lac is a great place for weddings and the two of them are absolutely lovely people to work with. Awesome people like them are bound to have great people around them, so we can’t wait to meet their family and friends as well!