We value carefree couples, creating memories, and enjoying the moment

Minnetonka Family Photography: The Ratcliffs | Minnetonka Mills Park

Minnetonka Family Photography

Minnetonka family photography is something we just started recently.  It’s a great middle ground place for a lot of our couples that live far from us.  We love photographing this family.  Years ago, a groom’s mom from one of our weddings loved our worked.  She recommended us to this couple who had their first child.  Since then, we have photographed them multiple times each year.  We have photographed photos of all their kids growing up.  Newborn photos, general family photos, and beyond.  It’s so much fun having them as a repeat client.  We have a few repeat clients like this and they just feel like family.

This session was one of those general family photo shoots we do with them.  Since it was fall, it was the time to do it.  Everyone loves the colors of the Minnesota fall.  This particular time, we had a VERY busy September.  They live pretty far from us and in order to make it work schedule wise, we did a halfway point in Minnetonka.  We shot this at Minnetonka Mills Park, which is a great spot for photos.  We found it after shooting senior sessions there and falling in love with it.

This was one of those family sessions where at the beginning and end, it was crazy with the kids.  They were not having it.  However, the middle was awesome.  We let them run up and down a bridge, as seen in the photos below.  They had a great time and really upped the mood of the session for the kids.

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