We value carefree couples, creating memories, and enjoying the moment

Rainy Fall Engagement Photography: Mikaela and Matt | Lebanon Hills Regional Park

I’m telling you, rainy fall engagement photography is the damn best.  This year was filled with brutal heat and humidity.  As much as people worry about rain in their photos, we welcomed it.  Besides, there are a lot of upsides to rainy fall engagement photography.  One being that the colors look SO vibrant.

This was our second sunrise session of the week.  It was an incredibly busy week and we were TIRED when we arrived at this session.  We both felt so bad because we thought that we would just look like a total mess working with them.  Turns out that at first, yes, we were all pretty tired. But then we all started having a lot of fun.

Mikalea and Matt and just overall a really fun couple.  I’m sure you can see from this photography alone that they’re great.  Their happy energy radiates from the photography.  It was hysterical because it was all rainy and wet outside.  We all just kept laughing about this, because, of course. Out of all the days that the state was complaining about not having rain, it would rain that day.  It was slightly ideal though.  The two of them kept talking about wanting a Pride and Prejudice vibe.  I mean, what screams 1800’s British literature more than rain?

We are so excited to be working with them again at their wedding next year.  They are going to be getting married at the gorgeous Almquist Farm.  We are actually going to be shooting there in two weeks for anther wedding as well. 2024 is going to be awesome!!

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We are currently booking. Contact us here or at tracy@rkh-images.com. 

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