We value carefree couples, creating memories, and enjoying the moment

Sunny Summer Engagement Photography: Sarah and David | Lebanon Hills Regional Park

There are many pros and cons to sunny summer engagement photography.  People love when it’s sunny and warm, especially in Minnesota. It’s comfortable and we don’t have to wear fifty layers to keep from freezing.  However, you have the cons of sweating, and squinting.  Also, you’re just wanting to get photos done so you can hop back into the air conditioning. Regardless, it was a lot of fun working with Sarah and David on this very warm summer day.

some background on how we met…

We had originally met Sarah and David last September and our original meeting was a little crazy.  This was back when there were some serious staffing shortages and you would never know if a place was open unless you went there.  We were planning on meeting them at a Caribou.  We got there and it was closed due to staffing issues.  Drove to another one – same problem.  Drove to a third – SAME THING.  Finally, we found a BBQ place that was open and just went there.  It was so funny because it was pretty much the last place we’d go for a consult because of the noise level.  I love BBQ as much as the next place, but the atmosphere is much more lively, so it’s harder to hold a conversation.

Although the consult actually went really well, I was surprised they booked with us due to how big of a pain it was just trying to find a place to sit and meet. But they did and we are super excited to photograph their wedding.  They are actually getting married in January, so it’ll be the opposite weather than their engagement shoot.  They are getting married at the Minneapolis Golf Club, a beautiful venue that we are also real excited to get back to.  The last time were there was in 2017. Can’t believe it’s been that long.

See related posts!!

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We are currently booking. Contact us here or at tracy@rkh-images.com. 

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