To begin, this was not initially supposed to be a cloudy engagement photography shoot. It was supposed to be a sunset shoot. Then our area got a little bombarded with the clouds for the week. We figured we were still okay because there was not supposed to be rain. Until the day of, that is. Then our cloudy engagement photography was turning into a full blown rainstorm. Lucky for everyone involved, we all had the day pretty open. So we moved the session from 7:30pm to 4:30pm. Three minutes after the end of the session, it started to pour. So we just missed it.
April in Minnesota can be touchy that way. It’s nice when you have the chance to simply roll with it. Jennifer and John had booked us for their fall wedding just a week prior and wanted to get their engagement photography done s soon as they could.  That was understandable, as their wedding is in six months. Get it done. We were happy to do them on short notice since it is April and engagement session don’t really pick up until May for us. We couldn’t have done this with a better couple. They are so nice. Also, Jennifer’s second outfit was my favorite outfit I have ever seen at an engagement session. I’m a sucker for hats and her red shoes really made the photos pop.
We are super excited to be shooting their wedding this fall. Our summer and fall is so full of weddings that we know it will be here before we know it.