Believe it or not, these photos were shot on a December morning. In Minnesota. Can you believe that? It was fifty degrees out!
For those following the blog, you know we love doing morning sessions. A lot of photographers don’t like them because they don’t like the morning light. But when you get December morning light, it can just look so beautiful. Amy plays hockey, so a lot of her nights are taken up this time of year. So this actually worked perfectly.
We met Amy years ago at Britni and Paige’s wedding. I remembered Amy because she was so much fun. When we shoot weddings, there are always certain people that stand out to us. It’s mainly because they are so similar to us. And let’s be honest, it’s usually groomsmen. But Amy was just a lot of fun and really comfortable to be around. That wedding was years ago, not to mention, one of the brides was from Canada. So to hear from Amy this year asking to shoot her wedding was so cool.
Today was the first time we met Travis. The two of them were really great to work with. They are the type of couple that just obviously has a lot of fun together. So from the start, they were just laughing and playing around. Made for so many great photos.
It was hard to complain about the sun since it was December and we were grateful for the warmth. But it was SO bright outside. We very much had to find and take advantage of the shaded areas. Luckily for everyone involved, there were some really gorgeous shaded areas.
We are so excited to be shooting their big day next July!!